Organization Transformation Journey Part 1


I have been working with consultancy clients recently, getting to know different needs of all clients at the moment. I noticed that most organizations are facing these challenges:

  • Talent Management and Succession Planning
  • Transfer of Knowledge and Skills between the experienced employees and new or young employees
  • The motivation of employees at different level
  • The synergy between different department
  • Leadership Competency Level
  • Organization, Team and Individual ability to be Flexible, Adaptable and Agile

Talent Management and Succession Planning

Organizations face a lot of challenges in talent management.

How do we work with an organization on the journey of transformation? First of all, the organization needs to know where they are now and where do they want to go. Then the organization needs to strategize the transition to get to where they want to go. What are the strategies that the organization needs to consider:

  • Leadership & Sponsorship Plan
  • Communication Plan
  • Training Plan
  • Coaching Plan
  • Resistant Management Plan


  1. Confidence
  2. Resilience
  3. Adaptability
  4. Ability to take a challenge
  5. Stamina to work hard


What is confident to you? Confidence comes in different ways. Confidence is strongly related to TRUST in yourself and others. What and how do you build confidence in yourself and others?

I look at confident in 4 keys areas.

  • Trust yourself
  • Trust others
  • Credibility
  • Openness

Trusting yourself is the first key element in building confidence in you. Some individuals build the trust in themselves from their past experience, events in life, success and failure the go through in the life and incident in their life. Other may build their confidence by finding their compelling reason to live, purpose in life and goals to achieve in the future. However, what they do today and now in the daily life is important to build the trust in themselves. I called the Power of NOW and the Power of WHY?

Trusting other is another set of skills to be developed in an individual. This will provide opportunities to build trust with others. Having the strong level of trust from other will create a platform for a greater level of success. You may be open, however trusting other is a big challenge for a lot of individuals. This is the most difficult elements to develop in oneself.

Credibility is the current most important elements in building confidence in yourself and others. Credibility is being perceived as not just talking the talk but also walking the talk. People build confidence in themselves by seeing themselves having the credibility to execute and take action.  Today, as a leader, people trust you more when you show credibility to do what you say you are going to do, have the ability to execute and deliver results.

Openness is about an important element in building trust with yourself and other. Being open means having an open mind in accepting opinions and view of others. When you are open, you are more receptive to other suggestions, ideas and views. It provides opportunities for others to know that they can trust you and you are also opening to listen to them. There is however individual who is open, but may not necessarily trust you.

“No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all. INTEGRITY is everything.”

5-steps Approach to Transform Your Life


I conducted a few trainings related to personal transformation recently. From these sessions, I realized that many participants are confused about their life no matter how hard they tried to find alignment within themselves.

They couldn’t find clarity because of a few reasons:

  • The ever-changing environment that we live in today
  • The belief and mindset influenced by the people around them
  • They are born in a generation and live in a different generation


The POWER of WHY provides an opportunity for you to find the purpose and direction of choices and options in your life. Many of us want a quick solution to resolve problems or challenges in our lives. However, without the understanding of your ‘why’, you will lose the focus and energy to further pursue your goals when you hit the road bump. The power of ‘why’ helps you to understand the deeper meaning of your actions and life choices.


The POWER of WHAT urges you to search for clarity in your goals. The combination of ‘why’ and ‘what’ gives you the meaning of your intention. What does your intention mean to you? What are the intentions, outcomes and desired results in your communication and decision making? Having clear intentions will allow you to make the best choices.  You need to separate the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ in order to connect with yourself.


The POWER of NOW is about living in the moment. This is also the strengths of being honest and truthful to yourself. You have the power to make a decision for yourself now, to take action now, and to live your life now. You need to leave your past behind in order to live in the moment, to know that what you want and where you want to get in life begins here and now.


What’s next when you know clearly your WHY and WHAT? It’s the action plan, structure, and planning. Once you understand your purpose and goals, its time to let go of the past and be in ‘now’. You will achieve your goals faster and more effectively if you transformed your goals into an action plan. I always tell my trainee that ‘you either fail to plan or plan to fail’. Your plan could be laid out daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly. In your execution, you have to throw away the garbage (bad habits) and build the new habits, fix the problem first and transform yourself.


This is the point where you see and feel the results in your life. How you behave every day is how you do things in your daily life. Your daily activities are the keys to achieving your dreams and goals in life. What do you do every day to get closer to your dreams and goals? Are you getting closer to your dream or further away from your dreams and goals? Your commitment to taking daily action will move you towards your goals in a shorter time. Focus and commit to your daily activities in order to transform your old self.

In a nutshell

These are my 5 steps approach to transform yourself in any area of life – knowing your purpose and what you want, live in the present, make an action plan and commit to your plan. No matter what you desire in life, you have the power to start now, by making one decision today.


10 years ago, when I heard CHANGE, I will resist, avoid and felt uncomfortable…

Today, being UNCOMFORTABLE made me COMFORTABLE every day!

More than fifteen years of being in programs, training & consultancy, I come to a realization about the reality of CHANGE. I had gain and loss a lot in my life to understand the meaning of CHANGE and making the change.



  • Self realization and awareness on what you want to change.
  • Being honest to yourself first before you being honest to others.
  • Be grateful and thankful for what you have now in your life
  • Accept and embrace what you have now in your life
  • Decide and stick to the change



  • What is it in for me?
  • What is it in for others? (Family, Friends & Colleagues)
  • What do I gain & lose? (The Carrot & Stick)
  • How much pain can I stand? Can I still stand the pain anymore?
  • What do I want in my life?

Change 3


  • What motivates you to change?
  • What’s your purpose of changing?
  • What matters to you most now?
  • What matters to you in the future?
  • What do I want to contribute to myself and others?

shutterstock_254017477HOW to CHANGE?

  • Start taking small & immediate action
  • Be accountable & committed; & build your self-resilient
  • Write down what you want to do everyday
  • Be around people who are positive and successful
  • Celebrate small achievements and build on it



  • Find the higher purpose of the changes made
  • Discipline to follow-up and follow through
  • Get your partner in life, loves ones to be involved
  • Remember to give back and give more
  • Self fulfillment and be M.A.D (Making A Different)