Ways To Attract and Retain Talents


Owner, Entrepreneur, Trainer, Facilitator, Coach & Mentor, I’ve learned and gained a lot of experience working with young talents and young employees in the organization. How do we work with the younger generation in the workplace? Throwing more money at this challenge just doesn’t cut it. We have to get creative, but also be genuine. The talents out there will be considering several options that motivate and excites them.


Leader & leadership is one of the key success in managing the young generation of the workforce. New candidates and talents want to know the leader that they will be working for and aligning themselves with. The new generation workforce looks at the leadership skills of the leader they work with. A leader needs to exhibit a high level of integrity and upholds the values of the company. Leaders play a crucial role and responsibility to inspire, coach and mentor the younger leaders.


Young talents expect to have fastest career growth and professional development. This isn’t easy as it seems, especially for younger company. An organization takes time to build their structure and career pathing. The world is changing so fast where we have challenges to adapt fast enough. Most organizations today have minimum 3 generation in the workplace and potentially 4 generation. Being able to show candidates where they can go and how they get there is critical. An individual is also expecting that the company need to provide the right resources for professional development. Lacking in this area will ensure high turnover.


Today’s generation really needs to understand the ‘why’ and ‘what’ the company does. They need to know the purpose behind their work, feel that they are contributing and believe in the mission of the organization. They want to know whether their work matters and how it benefits the greater cause. Having a great mission and purpose statement is a good start but it has to be genuine in order for them to feel motivated and self-driven. They also want to see the consistency and follow-through of the mission and purpose which part of the organization culture. The mission and purpose must be evangelized and role model from the top.


Regardless of the job and its related duties, new talent has to be sold on the fact that there will be creative thinking involved. This allows them to feel connected and enjoy their work. Studies show that 50% of today’s workforce is not engaged at work. This means they are simply “showing up.” That also means that a good portion is actually disgruntled. It’s up to the leaders to provide opportunities for creativity. If you can get that right, everyone wins. Similar to create thinking, the autonomy to solve problems for the company and its customers is a big attraction to new talent. This aids in their feeling of connection and increases collaboration within the team.


Today’s employees beyond just the salary, their supervisor and the working environment. Employees need to feel the needs to contribute back to the community and society. Employees also need to see the company that is willing to give back through charity, organizing society engagement program and helping mature nature. Contribution is a big thing for the younger generation as it plays a significant level of satisfaction and life fulfilment.


Companies have started to build and focus on innovation in their organization. Younger employees are open to developing a new approach to work, new environment and culture of innovation. Employees get excited to be involved with the various project that will improve company, community, customers or improve the environment. However, the time involvement must be done during working hours. That piece is important.  Collaboration is the next key towards the younger generation style of working.  They prefer to work with more alliances that competing with each other.


Rewards and recognition for the younger generations must be both intrinsic and extrinsic. Extrinsic motivation may involve public recognition and external rewards such as bonuses and praise. Intrinsic motivation is even more important in their life journey. This allows employees to think and feel connected to the organisation, that they have autonomy and freedom and opportunities for personal growth. This provides opportunities for employees to live in the culture, be part of the development and success with the organisation and being recognized for the contribution to others.


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